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Natural Ways to Induce Labor  

March 13, 2008

You are a few weeks past your due date and you can't remember the last time you saw your feet. Your belly has grown to the size of a beach ball and if you gain anymore weight the beach ball will burst. People tell you often that you look like you are ready to pop. You want your body back now, which means the beach ball...I mean...the baby needs to come out now. How do you induce labor? Let me count the ways.

1. Walk - Walking long distances may help the baby drop further into the birthing canal. Be careful while you walk, bring your cell phone with you in case you start contracting while on your walk. You don't want deliver the baby in the middle of the sidewalk.

2. Spicy Foods - Some people swear that eating spicy foods such as spicy chili or spicy Mexican foods induce labor. You can try the spicy food technique although you might deliver the foods you just ate rather than a baby.

3. Tea- Drinking specific teas may induce labor. Teas such as Raspberry Leaf Tea and Cinnamon Stick Tea are believed to relax the uterus if not the new mom.

4. Acupuncture - Some pressure points such as the roof of your mouth, between your finger and your thumb and about 4 finger spaces above the ankle help induce labor. If you aren't afraid of needles this might work at inducing your labor. If anything else it will help prepare you for the breathing process as you breathe through the needle sticks.

5.Blue and Black cohosh - These natural herbs can often help induce labor. Black Cohosh regulates contractions while Blue cohosh makes uterine contractions stronger. You can find these herbs in your local organic food market. However, before you try this natural remedy consult your physician.

6. Nipple Stimulation - Massaging your nipples may also induce labor. Massaging your nipples releases oxytcin which is a natural form of pitocin. And pitocin is used by doctors to induce labor. Of course massaging your nipples may be fun for your significant other.

7. Intercourse - Having intercourse while pregnant is often uncomfortable but if the female has an orgasm it can bring on contractions. Also, the male semen can ripen and soften the cervix. Who says being pregnant means no sex?

Many of these factors may be successful in inducing labor only if you are having contractions or in the early stages of labor. However, don't worry if they don't work for you because eventually you will give birth to a beautiful baby.

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